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Site Logo -Track bike (1.3 KB GIF)Also check out the
bicycling articles
on this site

The pages on this site describe my work at the intersection of music theory, musical instrument design and music software.

John S. Allen's Music Site

Create ANY tuplet in Cakewalk

This looks normal in Cakewalk Staff View, BUT
Why does the half-note on the third beat cut off early?

Unison problem in MIDI (0.8 KB GIF)


My musical projects

An illustrated
biographical sketch
and time line.

I've been at it a while...

Two-manual harpsichord built from Hubbar kit, 1971 (8 KB JPEG)
Harpsichord, built 1971

Clickable thumbnail image of Notebender keyboard, 1983 (4.5 KB JPEG)
Notebender Keyboard with
longitudinal key motion, 1983

Improving the Musical Instrument Keyboard

There is a lot of room for improvement in music keyboards,
Read here about how computer interfacing and better mechanical design
can open up keyboard possibilities.

MIDI editing/Cakewalk for Windows

I'll help you find your way around some of
the quirks of MIDI editing.
My experience is mostly with
Cakewalk sequencers for Windows,
but my observations apply to
other sequencers as well. You will find
instruction as well as critiques here.

nodelete.gif (4179 bytes)
Cakewalk's Delete command doesn't work in this measure...but I'll show you a workaround.

Mathematical representations of musical tunings
Different instruments generate equal temperament differently, making
them more or less adaptable to other, unconventional tunings. This series of
articles explores the relationship between tunings, instrument architectures and keyboard designs.

Notation for Microtonal Scales, Part 1
The first chapter in an exploration of
how to notate microtonal music consistently and

 A Bibliography on Musical Tunings and Temperaments

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Contents © 1997, 1999 John S. Allen

Last revised 18 October 1999